2019年web前端全集_2019年最佳30+ Web工具
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Productivity can easily be improved by using the right web tools and services. Nobody can or should afford to spend a lot of time on doing something from scratch while the competition is using a web app that is getting the project done in minutes.

使用正确的Web工具和服务可以轻松提高生产率。 在比赛中使用几分钟就能完成项目的网络应用程序时,没有人能够或应该花很多时间从头开始做某事。

Below we reviewed over 30 different web tools and services that will get you covered. You will find an excellent managed application hosting, the easiest and most professional way to turn your static designs into interactive prototypes, WordPress and Joomla themes, website plugins to extend its capabilities and much more.

下面我们回顾了30多种不同的Web工具和服务,这些工具和服务可以帮助您解决问题。 您将找到一个出色的托管应用程序托管,这是将静态设计转变为交互式原型,WordPress和Joomla主题,扩展其功能的网站插件的最简单,最专业的方法。

NorthStack™ Serverless is a new pay-as-you-go, elastic autoscaling hosting platform by Pagely, a powerful managed to host solution with over 9 years’ experience on the market, working with lots of world top brands. Say goodbye to complex server configurations and hello to NorthStack. Built by developers, for developers, NorthStack brings you secure, stable, scalable application hosting without the heavy lifting.

NorthStack™Serverless是Pagely提供的一种全新的按需付费,弹性自动扩展托管平台,Pagely是一个功能强大的托管托管解决方案,在市场上已有9年以上的经验,并与许多世界顶级品牌合作。 告别复杂的服务器配置,向NorthStack致意。 由开发人员构建,对于开发人员而言,NorthStack可为您带来安全,稳定,可扩展的应用程序托管,而无需繁重的工作。

The team behind NorthStack has deconstructed the traditional hosting plan to free customers from worrying about plan limits or servers. All hosting resources, in addition to Aurora Serverless by AWS, can be thought of as streams in which your site simply plugs into and you only pay for what you use.

NorthStack背后的团队已经解构了传统的托管计划,以使客户不必担心计划限制或服务器。 除AWS的Aurora Serverless外,所有托管资源都可以视为流,您的站点只需插入流中,而您只为使用的内容付费。

Pay only for what you consume, there are no limits and no minimums.


Join the beta.


Serving over 500,000 individuals and companies since 2011, Proto.io is the most popular and complete solution to turn static designs into interactive prototypes that feel real. Anybody can use it, without having any special knowledge or coding skills.

自2011年以来,Proto.io已为500,000多名个人和公司提供服务,是将静态设计转变为真实的交互式原型的最受欢迎且最完整的解决方案。 任何人都可以使用它,而无需任何特殊知识或编码技能。

Proto.io is packed with a powerful drag-and-drop builder, a friendly interface that will make every step easier and tons of features and options. You can import Adobe, Google or your own custom fonts to ensure brand consistency. You can also instantly transfer Photoshop and Sketch designs into Proto.io to make the whole prototyping process faster. Everything you can think of is most likely possible with this powerful tool.

Proto.io包含一个强大的拖放生成器,一个友好的界面,该界面将使每个步骤变得更加容易,并提供大量功能和选项。 您可以导入Adobe,Google或您自己的自定义字体以确保品牌一致性。 您还可以立即将Photoshop和Sketch设计转移到Proto.io中,以加快整个原型制作过程。 使用此功能强大的工具,您可能想到的一切都是可能的。

Start a free 15-day trial – no need for a credit card. After the trial ends, you can choose to either go for a paid plan (starting at $29 per month for 1 user and 5 active projects) or remain with a free plan with limited features.

开始15天的免费试用期-无需信用卡。 试用期结束后,您可以选择付费计划(1个用户和5个活跃项目的每月29美元起)或保留功能有限的免费计划。

POWr is the most widely integrated library of free website plugins that will help your business get more leads, conversions, followers, improve engagement, and much more. Since 2014, POWr has helped over 8 million small businesses achieve their goals online.

POWr是免费网站插件集成最广泛的库,它将帮助您的企业获得更多的潜在客户,转化,关注者,提高参与度等等。 自2014年以来,POWr已帮助超过800万家小型企业在线实现了其目标。

Create custom popup messages with text, discounts, call-to-action buttons, and videos using the POWr Popup plugin. Add lead capture to any page with embedded forms and reduce your bounce rate with exit-intent popups. Easily promote sales with a countdown timer to get more conversions. Add subscribers to your mailing list using the simple email popup tool. All POWr plugins are easy to add to your site, from Shopify, Squarespace, WordPress, Weebly, or any other website platform, including HTML.

使用POWr Popup插件创建带有文本,折扣,号召性用语和视频的自定义弹出消息。 将潜在客户捕获功能添加到任何嵌入表单的页面,并通过退出意图弹出窗口降低跳出率。 倒数计时器可轻松促进销售,以获得更多转化。 使用简单的电子邮件弹出工具将订户添加到您的邮件列表。 所有POWr插件都可以从Shopify,Squarespace,WordPress,Weebly或任何其他网站平台(包括HTML)轻松添加到您的网站。

This full library of over 50 tools allows you to power up your website in a few clicks, from one central location. Each plugin can be personalized and installed on your site within minutes, with no code or professional team required.

这个包含50多种工具的完整库,使您可以从一个中心位置单击几次来打开网站。 每个插件都可以个性化并在几分钟之内安装到您的站点上,无需任何代码或专业团队。

Sign-up for free and start seeing improved results on your website today.


48HoursLogo is simply the fastest, easiest and most affordable logo crowdsourcing website on the market. Since 2010, it was used by over 40,000 small companies and entrepreneurs to get gorgeous logos, check the inspiration page to see what cool logos were created on this platform.

48HoursLogo只是市场上最快,最简单,最实惠的徽标众包网站。 自2010年以来,已有40,000多家小型公司和企业家使用它来获取精美的徽标,请查看灵感页面,以了解在此平台上创建了哪些精美徽标。

Let real designers compete to get your prize (minimum is $99) and receive over 20 logo concepts.


The results are outstanding and do not reflect the small price you pay.


Argento is the most powerful and respected Magento theme on the market, being used by over 9,000 stores in the last 9 years. It comes loaded with 6 unique designs and 20 extensions that are worth $994. These extensions will greatly help your store stand out of the crowd and you will save a lot of money, having everything included in Argento.

Argento是市场上最强大,最受人尊敬的Magento主题,在过去9年中,有9000多家商店使用了Argento。 它带有6种独特的设计和20种扩展,价值994美元。 这些扩展将极大地帮助您的商店脱颖而出,并且拥有Argento中的所有内容,您将节省很多钱。

Codester is a huge marketplace where designers and developers will find thousands of premium PHP scripts, codes, app templates, themes, plugins, graphics and much more. Always check the Flash sale section where hugely discounted items are being sold.

Codester是一个巨大的市场,设计人员和开发人员可以在其中找到成千上万的高级PHP脚本,代码,应用程序模板,主题,插件,图形等等。 始终检查“闪购”部分出售大量折扣商品的地方。

actiTIME is a brilliant timesheet software that is a perfect fit for any kind of companies, from small businesses to Fortune 500 huge corporations. Use it to track time, to deliver projects on time and budget and much more.

actiTIME是一款出色的时间表软件,非常适合从小型企业到财富500强企业的任何类型的公司。 用它来跟踪时间,按时交付项目和预算,还有更多。

Start a 30-day free online trial and see all actiTIME features in action.


Every website should get rid of bad links. Bad links make visitors leave your website and statistics say that most of them will never return.

每个网站都应该摆脱不良链接。 错误的链接使访问者离开您的网站,并且统计数据表明大多数访问者将永远不会回来。

Dr. Link Check will scan your website for broken and malicious links with 1 click, in a couple of minutes, and it will send you a detailed report of what you need to fix.

Link Check博士将在几分钟之内一键点击扫描您的网站,查找损坏和恶意的链接,并将向您发送详细报告,说明需要解决的问题。

IM Creator is a the best free website builder on the market, being used to create over 17 million pixel-perfect, fully functional websites. Anybody can do it, without having any special skills or coding skills.

IM Creator是市场上最好的免费网站构建器,用于创建超过1700万个像素完美的功能齐全的网站。 任何人都可以这样做,而无需任何特殊技能或编码技能。

Use the included block-based builder and their beautiful templates to create a great website in less than 30 minutes.


Goodie is a great web development service, highly respected in the market. It is best used by small companies looking to amplify their online presence, for 1-10 page websites, for small WordPress websites and by designers looking for a reliable web development partner.

Goodie是一项出色的Web开发服务,在市场上备受推崇。 小型企业希望扩大其在线形象,对于1-10页的网站,小型WordPress网站以及寻求可靠的Web开发合作伙伴的设计师来说,它都是最佳选择。

Rank Math SEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin in the market, being loaded with tons of features and options, but the best thing is that it configures by itself and you don’t need to lose time every now and then to finetune it. With Rank Math your website will rank higher and you will easily create SEO friendly content.

Rank Math SEO是市场上最好的WordPress SEO插件,具有许多功能和选项,但最好的事情是它可以自行配置,您无需时时浪费时间对其进行微调。 使用Rank Math,您的网站将排名更高,并且您可以轻松创建SEO友好内容。

Schema is the fastest WordPress theme on the market, having a super-clean code, and being optimized for speed and ranking high in search engines. It is a real pleasure to browse it, giving a nice feeling to visitors.

Schema是市场上最快的WordPress主题,具有超干净的代码,并针对速度进行了优化并在搜索引擎中排名较高。 浏览它是一种真正的荣幸,给游客留下很好的感觉。

Schema works with all page builders on the market, start customizing it.


Landing is a brilliant one-page landing page templates based on Bootstrap 4. It is packed with the latest technologies and features, being super simple to fully customize it.

登陆是基于Bootstrap 4的出色的一页登陆页面模板。它具有最新的技术和功能,可以非常轻松地完全自定义它。

Create high converting landing pages with Landing.


AdminLTE is the most popular and appreciated open source admin dashboard & control panel theme on the market, with almost 2.5 million downloads.


Check the live preview to see how cool AdminLTE is.


ServicesLanding is a pixel-perfect landing page template that is fully responsive, it is packed with the latest technologies and can easily be personalized to be a perfect fit.


MailMunch is the best landing page builder on the market, being super simple to use, fast and loaded with gorgeous, pixel-perfect pre-built templates. Use the drag-and-drop builder to create unlimited and custom high-converting landing pages.

MailMunch是市场上最好的登陆页面生成器,使用起来超级简单,快速,并加载了精美的,像素完美的预制模板。 使用拖放生成器可以创建无限的和自定义的高转化率着陆页。

Bonsai is a great invoicing software dedicated to freelancers, having over 100,000 happy users. Use Bonsai to create smart invoices with integrated payment, auto generate invoices for generated contracts and proposals, and much more. Bonsai is loaded with tons of features and options, including a super fast and intuitive interface.

Bonsai是一款专用于自由职业者的出色进销存软件,拥有超过100,000个满意的用户。 使用Bonsai来创建具有集成付款功能的智能发票,自动为生成的合同和投标生成发票,等等。 盆景具有许多功能和选项,包括超快速和直观的界面。

Freelancers that use Bonsai are getting paid faster, start using it for free.


Logomaster is a super-fast free online logo maker that will help you with a stunning logo on the spot. Write your business name, add a slogan and a symbol, and right after Logomaster will show you hundreds of great logo designs.

Logomaster是一款超快速的免费在线徽标制作工具,它会立即为您提供精美的徽标。 写下您的公司名称,添加标语和符号,Logomaster将立即向您展示数百种出色的徽标设计。

Unlayer is the perfect email editor and page builder for SaaS and CRM, being super simple to embed it on your website. Let your customers create fully customized, pixel-perfect emails and landing pages, directly from your app.

Unlayer是SaaS和CRM的理想电子邮件编辑器和页面构建器,将其嵌入到您的网站中非常简单。 让您的客户直接从您的应用程序创建完全自定义的,像素完美的电子邮件和登录页面。

Cart2Cart is an automated shopping cart migration services that work with over 80 carts and you don’t need any special knowledge to quickly migrate from one platform to another.


Start a free demo now and see Cart2Cart in action.


Shella is the best Shopify theme for creating a fashion store. It is loaded with over 68 pixel-perfect, pre-built pages, with a mega menu, with awesome fashion icons and much more. It works excellent with Oberlo and it is ready for any drop shipping service you may use.

Shella是创建时尚商店的最佳Shopify主题。 它加载了超过68个像素完美的预构建页面,带有大型菜单,超赞的时尚图标等等。 它与Oberlo搭配使用效果很好,可以为您使用的任何直接运输服务做好准备。

Work Examiner is the most powerful internet monitoring software on the market, being super simple to install and use. Using this software, you can quickly increase the productivity and security in your company.

Work Examiner是市场上功能最强大的Internet监视软件,安装和使用都非常简单。 使用此软件,您可以快速提高公司的生产率和安全性。

Start a 30-day free trial and see Work Examiner in action.


Content Snare will get content from customers in your place, without the hassle. It works best for agencies and freelancers, saving them a lot of time. It is super simple to configure and run, it takes a couple of minutes and a few steps.

Content Snare可以轻松地从您当地的客户那里获取内容。 它最适合代理机构和自由职业者,为他们节省大量时间。 它的配置和运行非常简单,需要几分钟和几步。

LogoAI is a brilliant logo maker that will build gorgeous logo design in minutes, without requesting you any designer skills. You simply write the business name and the platform will generate hundreds of logos to choose from.

LogoAI是出色的徽标制造商,将在几分钟内构建出精美的徽标设计,而无需您要求任何设计师技能。 您只需写下公司名称,平台就会生成数百个徽标供您选择。

Creating logos with Logaster, the most popular free logo maker on the market is creative and fun. The whole process takes less than 20 minutes and in the end, you will get a gorgeous logo that nobody can tell if it was designed by a human or by Logaster.

使用Logaster创建徽标,Logaster是市场上最流行的免费徽标制造商,既有趣又有趣。 整个过程不到20分钟,最后,您会得到一个漂亮的徽标,没人知道它是由人还是由Logaster设计的。

InvoiceBerry is a complete invoicing platform that you can use to send fully customized invoices, to track expenses, create reports, manage clients, track payments and much more.


Sign-up for the free trial and see InvoiceBerry in action.


CMS2CMS is the most popular and simple solution to automatically migrate your website or forum from one platform to another. It works with all the major solutions on the market, the migration takes about 15 minutes and you don’t need to have any coding skills or special knowledge.

CMS2CMS是最流行和最简单的解决方案,用于将您的网站或论坛自动从一个平台迁移到另一个平台。 它可与市场上所有主要解决方案一起使用,迁移过程大约需要15分钟,并且您不需要任何编码技能或特殊知识。

Estimate your migration costs on the pricing page.


MMThomasBlog.com delivers credible and trusted information for users looking for full-featured and easy-to-use web building tools. This is the place, where you will come across multiple reviews and comparisons of all-in-one and specialized website builders. By browsing them, you will define the major features, pros and cons as well as application sphere of popular platforms to pick the best one.

MMThomasBlog.com为正在寻找功能齐全且易于使用的Web构建工具的用户提供可信和可信赖的信息。 在这里,您将遇到多合一和专业网站建设者的多个评论和比较。 通过浏览它们,您将定义流行平台的主要功能,优缺点以及应用范围,以选择最佳功能。

Want to create an online home for your business? Take a look at the modern and effective solution — the uKit site builder. Think of uKit as your very own IT department, with free unlimited hosting, solid security, and caring support. It requires no coding knowledge to realize your ideas, and makes it easy to get your business online as fast as within a day.

是否想为您的企业创建在线主页? 看一下现代有效的解决方案-uKit网站构建器。 可以将uKit看作是您自己的IT部门,具有免费的无限托管,可靠的安全性和关怀支持。 它不需要任何编码知识就可以实现您的想法,并且可以轻松地在一天之内使您的业务快速上线。

Want to boost sales and reduce hassle by adding an instant quote calculator to your site? It can be easily done with the uCalc builder. You can either create a calculator from scratch or choose one of the layouts from the collection of pre-made options. No coding skills are necessary at that. Increase conversions and interactions with your website visitors today!

是否想通过在您的网站上添加即时报价计算器来提高销量并减少麻烦? 使用uCalc构建器可以轻松完成此操作。 您可以从头开始创建计算器,也可以从预制选项的集合中选择一种布局。 不需要任何编码技能。 立即增加与您的网站访问者的转化和互动!

uLanding offers a full slate of professional tools and integrations you’d expect from a landing page builder, such as A/B testing, drag’n’drop capabilities, Google Analytics, MailChimp and more. Perfect for marketers who want to create an effective landing page quickly and on a budget. No coding required.

uLanding提供了您期望登陆页面构建器提供的全套专业工具和集成,例如A / B测试,拖放功能,Google Analytics(分析),MailChimp等。 非常适合想要在预算范围内快速创建有效目标网页的营销人员。 无需编码。

Wokiee is a powerful multipurpose Shopify theme that is packed with tons of features and options, unlimited layouts for homepage, various layout options for shop and product pages, multiple header options and much more.


Wokiee will make your shop stand out of the crowd.


SteadyWP is a professional WordPress maintenance and support service where an expert will take care of your daily backups, updates, check uptime and much more. Depending on the plan you get, the services have a big depth.

SteadyWP是专业的WordPress维护和支持服务,专家将在其中照顾您的日常备份,更新,正常运行时间等。 根据您获得的计划,服务的深度很大。

Opinion Stage is the most powerful, yet simple to use online quiz maker, being loaded with an excellent drag-and-drop builder, tons of gorgeous templates and a lightning fast interface that will guide you every moment.

Opinion Stage是功能最强大但使用最简单的在线测验工具,它配有出色的拖放生成器,大量精美的模板和快速的界面,可随时指导您。

Start now to create highly engaging polls, quizzes, surveys and more.


WhatFontIs is the best tool for quickly identifying fonts in an easy manner. You upload the picture of the font you want to identify or you write the picture URL, and right after WhatFontIs will help you identify your font and offer you over 60 similar fonts, free and paid.

WhatFontIs是快速轻松识别字体的最佳工具。 您上载要识别的字体的图片或编写图片的URL,然后在WhatFontIs将帮助您识别字体并为您提供60多种免费和付费的相似字体之后。

Using HelpJet – the best knowledge base software on the market – you will scale your support, increase customer satisfaction, offer answers to your customers quickly with lightning-fast live search.


Try HelpJet free of charge. No credit card required.

免费试用HelpJet。 无需信用卡。

  1. – Online Photo Editor and Design Maker


Fotor is the most popular and effective photo editor and designer maker on the market, being used by over 300 million happy people to edit billions of pictures. All the tools, options and templates you need are present in Fotor.

Fotor是市场上最受欢迎,最有效的照片编辑器和设计师制造商,超过3亿快乐的人使用它来编辑数十亿张图片。 您需要的所有工具,选项和模板都在Fotor中提供。

Create highly shared and liked pictures with Fotor.


Pixpa is a powerful and simple to use website builder where a website, store, blog and client galleries can be made all in one place. No need to have any coding skills or special skills. The included drag-and-drop builder, the gorgeous templates and friendly interface will help you do great things in minutes.

Pixpa是一个功能强大且易于使用的网站构建器,可以将网站,商店,博客和客户画廊集中在一个地方。 无需具备任何编码技能或特殊技能。 随附的拖放生成器,华丽的模板和友好的界面将帮助您在几分钟内完成出色的工作。

39 Gutentype
Gutentype WordPress theme includes literally everything that you may expect to find in a multi-functional WordPress theme. This is a multi-purpose solution containing a growing collection of live demos that are ready to be imported to your site with a single click. The theme is fully compatible with all elements of the Gutenberg page builder. With the help of the Gutentype theme, you can adhere to GDPR requirements easily. Thanks to the speed-optimized and lightweight layout of the theme, it will be easy for your potential customers to find your website through Google search.

Gutentype WordPress主题实际上包含您可能期望在多功能WordPress主题中找到的所有内容。 这是一个多功能解决方案,其中包含越来越多的实时演示,可以通过单击将其导入到您的站点。 该主题与Gutenberg页面构建器的所有元素完全兼容。 借助Gutentype主题,您可以轻松遵守GDPR要求。 得益于主题的速度优化和轻量级布局,潜在客户可以通过Google搜索轻松找到您的网站。




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